Tuesday 8 January 2013

Beijing DAY1

Dragon welcome @ Starbucks, Sanlitun

In December I was lucky enough to go to Beijing with the Courtauld Institute of Art as part of my MA in Contemporary Chinese Art! Although I frequently travel to China, I rarely ever go to Beijing, preferring the comforts and luxury that Shanghai offers. Presented with a jam-packed itinerary, I couldn’t wait to jump on that plane and fly to the Capital! … even with forecasts of -14 degrees!!

 The beautiful CAFA Art Museum!

The exhibits on show...

Perusing around the graduate oil painting exhibit

Earlier this term, the Courtauld was lucky to host guest lecturer Wang Chunchen from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing. Although Professor Wang was unable to hang out with us (he was away in Frankfurt), he kindly arranged for student volunteers from CAFA to show us around. We spent the afternoon taking in the sights from the giant complex, which was host to four exhibits on our visit. Of the four, two really stood out for me… unsurprisingly, both the exhibits focused on painting, albeit one a graduate show for the class of 2012, and another showing oil paintings in the period of the National Beiping Art School.

Li Yishi, Portrait of Wang Mengbai, 1920, 117 x 76 cm, Oil on canvas, Inscription: “Tsoo H-Lee 1920, Yi”

Xu Beihong, A Man’s Front and Side Sketch, 1924, 52 x 44 cm, Oil on paper

Chang Shuhong, A Female Sitting Nude, 1940, 140 x 92 cm, Oil on canvas, Inscription “Chang Shuhong, July 1940, Anjian”

Wu Zuoren, The Boat Tracker, 1933, 150 x 100 cm, Oil on canvas, Inscription: “Zuoren, 1933”

Qin Xuanfu, Portrait of Wang Linyi, 1945, 39 x 27.5 cm, Pastel on paper, Inscription: “portrait of Wang Linyi, Chongqing”

Sun Zengwei, Self-Portrait, c.1949, dia: 45cm, Oil on wood

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