Thursday 22 November 2012


... SO MUCH!!!!! My gorgeous friends who are always with me, my incredible family who support me through all my crazy endeavors, health (which as we know is the FIRST WEALTH), happiness, my Gucci heels that never pain my feet, the supporting wardrobe that ensures that I am clothed (semi-stylishly) on a daily basis, Tracy Anderson for making the most incredible workout DVDs and saving me a bundle on joining an expensive Pilates club, my laptop which has never failed me despite surviving a marshmallow-hot-chocolate-luge and now a kitchen knife attack, etc...

For the first time since 2008, I will not be celebrating Thanksgiving with all my American friends. Sitting around a gorgeous table with friends, wine and lots (LOTTTTSS) of good food was a tradition I was more than happy to adopt. Somehow, with so many of my American friends repatriated, and not being in St Andrews where we had the luxury of having great entertaining spaces (Dinner party for 25 people? Casual.), Thanksgiving will be somewhat more of a sober affair.

Lack of feast aside, I have a lot to be thankful for. 2012 has been an incredible year for me with lots of amazing blessings. Through the ups and downs, things have always worked out and I couldn’t wish for anything more. I graduated my undergraduate degree with decent grades, enrolled into my dream school and moved into my gorgeous flat after months of nightmare tenants and redecorating! Most importantly of all, I am healthy, happy and surrounded by those who love me… I'm a lucky girl!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL MY LOVELIES IN THE US OF AMURRRICA!! Have an extra portion of sweet potatoes with marshmallows for me!

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