Friday 18 January 2013

(K)Nights like these

Last weekend I attended the White Knight's Ball in aid of the Order of Malta Volunteers work with adults and children with disabilities and illness. The ball took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel, so SS and I put on our glad-rags and shimmied over to Park Lane for champagne, chitchats and some dancing.

Being so soon after the holiday season, and just days after traveling through 8 time-zones, SS and I decided to tactically skip the dinner so that we would last until the 2:30AM carriage time. Whilst others tucked into their 4-course dinner, we cuddled in bed until 9PM and only got up when the sushi delivery-man was at the door.

Looking at my most recent pictures, it seems that I only have 2 friends in the whole entire world, SS and M... Love these two!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Contrary to what these photographs may suggest there were other people at the ball, and it was so nice to catch up with so many friends I haven't seen since leaving University! I should really get better at snapping pictures throughout the night...

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