Thursday 17 January 2013

MadeIn Company @ The Minsheng Museum of Art

When I heard that MadeIn Company had teamed up with the Minsheng Art Museumn for a kind-of show slash look behind the scenes at the unique artist collective (or "Company"), I was extremely excited to witness the goings-on of the artist collective of whom I was already a great admirer of. One of the standout pieces at the Long March Space in 798 was a marble sculpture by MadeIn, and I was really in awe of Xu Zhen's In Just A Blink Of The Eye at the 'Art of Change: New Directions From China' exhibit at the Southbank Centre. Set up by Chinese conceptual artist Xu Zhen in 2009, MadeIn tackles issues of identity, the commercial and production activities.

Despite my excitement and anticipation for witnessing the buzzing 'headquarters' of MadeIn, I was thoroughly disappointed by what I experienced at the Minsheng Museum of Art. Perhaps I came on a day that none of the artists decided to come in and create...

The resulting exhibit just seemed to pretentious in concept. The space given to MadeIn was 'artfully' made to look like a workspace, when it seemed very evident that no production was actually taking place. Instead, visitors were invited into an intimate display of MadeIn's works. However, promises of witnessing art being made firsthand were totally unfulfilled.

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